Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A&S 50 Challenge - Hooray!

So, I was perusing the monthly A&S newsletter (I highly recommend this!  You can sneak a peek yourself here: Midrealm A&S NewsLetter ) and noticed the big "A&S 50 Challenge!" article smack in the middle of the page.  I guess I'd heard about this, because it wasn't so much a "Wow, what's this new thing?" as a "Wait... Let me read that again!" dawning of actual awareness.  So, I bee-bopped over to the A&S 50 page (Here: A&S 50 Challenge Home Page ) to read up on it. 


Just this past weekend I picked up a new book, "Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads" (1995 edition... I found it in my favourite used books store!) and have been re-inspired.  I do love to bake, and this has a frillion (technical term) recipes for 27 total categories of breads. 

At the Crown Tournament, I displayed some breads I'd been working on. 

I've been dabbling in baking here and there, nothing serious, really, though.  We had several types of bread available at our recent feast, which was fun! 

I've approached a few laurels about perhaps apprenticing in bread-making, but there's no real interest, it seems.  So, I've decided, rather than pound my head against the brick-walled oven hunting down a Laurel, I'm going to seek personal fulfillment this way.

Yep, I'm taking up the challenge.  To quote the A&S Challenge site:

The Depth Challenge -

*50 of any one type of thing, in order to push your skills and knowlege to new levels (how broadly you define this is up to you)

Sounds good to me!  I'm fairly certain I can find people willing to taste-test my results, AND since group efforts are completely permissible, I'm enlisting my children as capable kitchen assistants.  This fulfills my personal mission of getting kids involved in cooking, as well as passing along the skills of this particular culinary art to the next generation.  I'm excited!  It's good to have a project, especially one that builds upon itself!

Now the hard part... narrowing it down to just 50 types of bread!

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